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Showing posts from February, 2013

Sumayyah Bint Khubbat The First Female Martyr

. Three brothers set out from Yemen to go to Mekkah. They heard about this city and wanted to experience its culture and to partake of it various social activities. One was named Yasir and the other two were named Harith and Malik. The later two left to return home to Yemen after some time, but Yasir liked living there so much that he decided to stay on permanently. According to the custom of the time he got the sponsorship and support of Abu Huthaifah bin Abdullah Makhzoomi, and became his companion and partner. As they go to know each other better, they took a liking to each other. Abu huthaifah had a very intelligent and sensible slave girl in his house, Sumaayyah. In due course of time she got married to Yasir. It was a happy marriage and soon they had a son whom they names ‘Ammar. Abu Huthaifah was very kind, loving and generous man, and he liberated the family from bondage, but he continued to keep good terms with them and very often helped them with cash as well. Yasir had ...


Backbiting (Gheebah) and lying are big sins, and forbidden in the Quran and as mentioned in various ahadith. Allah The Almighty says in Quran: “And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful.” [Surah Al-Hujurat 49:12] It was reported that Anas [may Allah be pleased with him] said: the Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said: “When I was taken up into the heavens (the Mi’raaj), I passed by some people who had nails of copper with which they were scratching their faces and chests. I said, ‘Who are these people, O Jibreel?’ He said, ‘These are the ones who used to eat the flesh of the people and slander their honour.’” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, 6095; Abu Dawood, 4253] Recall your day’s memory and try to think that how much sins and bad things you have done in the whole...

How to control Anger

Sometimes you suddenly become angry while talking to your friends or having gossips with them. You may lose your temper in return. Here are some tips to temper and become patient in those situations. We are in a habit of speaking without thinking. Our words just seem to fly out of our mouths before we know it. Think for a while and evaluate that what you are going to say will be beneficial or it may hurt someone; who may become angry at you as well. Rather than wasting time on unnecessary speech or talking aimlessly engage yourself in Dhikar that is definitely very beneficial and may not harm you and your fellow human beings as well. “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all” The thing or act that will hurt you may also hurt your fellow human beings you apologize if you committed the mistake to hurt someone.   Though it may be pretty difficult or uncomfortable for you to accept your mistake but apologizing on what you said to hurt ...


Allah not only admires purity but purity of body his obliged upen every muslim. There is soo much emphasis on cleanliness and purity that The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)said, “Cleanliness is half your Imaan.” Allah the Almighty have told us all the rules and regulation that how one can make himself clean and pure. Among them is the demonstration of Allah for the Muslim women that how to take bath after menstruation, sexual discharge and postpartum bleeding. Allah says in the Qur’an: “And they ask you about menstruation. Say, “It is harm, so keep away from wives during menstruation. And do not approach them until they are pure. And when they have purified themselves, then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you. Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves.” (Surah Baqarah: 222) The importance of Ghusal Ghusal is a means of preparing one’s self for Ibaadat (Worship of Allah). Ghusal ...

Ayat al-Kursi

"Allahu la ilaha illa huwa Al -Haiyul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatun wa la nawm lahu ma fi as-samawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna bi shai'in min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem" Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory). Al-Baqarah 2: 255 *****************...